Comrade, Your Ingredients Are Too Complicated

Chapter 54 Ding Wei is in action

Xingjia Village, the headquarters of the new regiment of the 386th Brigade of the Eighth Route Army.

Ding Wei's regiment headquarters is slightly far from the headquarters, so the time to receive the order is later than other brother troops.

However, their location is relatively close to the brigade headquarters. While mobilizing troops and preparing to set off, Ding Wei also sent his first battalion commander to the brigade headquarters to inquire about the news.

Finally, the first battalion commander returned with intelligence before the team set off.

"I heard from the brigade headquarters that our headquarters sent a small force to raid a Japanese hospital over a long distance and kidnapped many Japanese doctors."

Ding Wei was shocked and a little overwhelmed when he heard the news. Since this news came from the brigade headquarters, it is definitely not a rumor.

With a keen sense of battlefield, he immediately returned to his regiment headquarters command post, unfolded the map on the table, and judged the current situation of friendly forces by analyzing the Japanese garrison situation in various transportation hubs.

As a veteran with rich command experience, Ding Wei pays great attention to the operation of his own territory.

Having been in the New 1st Regiment for more than a month, he has long been integrated with the major forces around him. Ding Wei will be the first to receive news of any disturbance.

He looked at his battalion commander and asked an intriguing question.

"Do you know who is the commander of that small force? What is their current status?"

Hearing his regiment commander's question, the battalion commander showed an expression as if he had woken up from a dream, and hurriedly reported the important information he had found out to Ding Wei.

"The commanders of that unit are both your old acquaintances, Zheng Yingqi and Li Yunlong! It is said that they are still hiding from the pursuit of the devils, and the headquarters can't contact them."

"Hahaha, I should have guessed it a long time ago. Only the two of them can do such a thing so crazy and steady."

Thinking of his old comrades, Ding Wei showed a barely perceptible smile. He pointed to the map in front of him and said to the battalion commander after he looked at it for a while:

"According to our own intelligence network, the strength of the Japanese is gradually shrinking and is approaching our defense zone."

"This means that Li Yunlong and his men are coming towards us. As his old comrade, I have to help him well."

"Pass my order. This time I will personally lead a battalion to help Li Yunlong and his men break through. You take the map and go to the brigade headquarters again to tell the brigade commander our ideas."

As the order was issued, the war machine of the New 1st Regiment began to operate in an orderly manner.

If the special agent company did not retreat to Ding Wei's defense zone, he could naturally obey the order completely, and he would not have to consume too much ammunition.

But now that he knew that Li Yunlong and his men were likely to come from this side, if he did not take more radical actions in this situation, he would be watching them die without helping.

Ding Wei could not let the Japanese have an easy time for both public and private reasons. He led his troops to the vicinity of the nearest county town in the defense zone.

This is a town 20 kilometers away from the county seat. Because it is close to the range of activities of the Eighth Route Army, the devils recently built a military station in the town, where a squadron of Japanese and puppet troops were stationed.

Once the devils nearby fight with the Eighth Route Army, the Japanese and puppet troops in this military station will be dispatched to support them as soon as possible.

Ding Wei held a telescope and looked at the enemies gathering in the town. They were fully armed and checking the sidecar motorcycles. He smiled crookedly, with a slightly gloomy tone:

"Hehe, it's really better to come early than to come at the right time. Now these devils are so vigilant that they don't even arrange for vigilance."

In the woods behind him, more than 500 soldiers of the New First Regiment were hidden.

After the battle of Cangyunling, although the New First Regiment had some casualties, Ding Wei quickly replenished the troops after taking over with the reputation of Li Yunlong.

After the soldiers recognized Ding Wei as the new head of the regiment, the combat effectiveness of the whole regiment was even comparable to that of Li Yunlong.

As if he had guessed the arrangement of his own regiment commander, a company commander asked tentatively:

"Regiment commander, are you planning to attack Wei to save Zhao? Attack the Japanese military station and attract the Japanese from the surrounding counties? Share the pressure with the old regiment commander?"

After all, Ding Wei is a person who has studied seriously. Although he did not go to the rear area, a simple idiom can not stump him.

"Yes, that's what I mean. As long as we put enough pressure on Li Yunlong, he will have a chance to get out."

"And today all the little Japanese in the military station have come out. We can take this opportunity to make a big wave and see if we can hurt them all at once."

Putting down the telescope, he looked behind him:

"Don't move the fifth company first, you stay to deal with all emergencies, and the rest of you follow me from the left."

This time, Ding Wei brought old people, and almost every soldier was an experienced veteran. In addition to the artillery, he divided everyone into five groups.

This time, in order to save old comrades and to repay favors, Ding Wei brought almost all the light machine guns in the regiment.

Of course, this light machine gun still contains the Shaosha that Li Yunlong did not return. Sometimes Ding Wei still wondered if this foreign thing was so rubbish that even the creditor forgot that it existed.

It took almost all the machine gunners in the regiment to consume more than 50 light machine guns. In this battle, the New 1st Regiment truly achieved the decentralization of machine guns to the squad level.

Following Ding Wei's order, he led four companies to bypass the jujube forest on the left and move towards the Japanese military station. The reserve team that was left behind was not idle either. They sent some people to guard the surrounding areas.

Ding Wei led his people to the edge of the woods and ordered everyone to stop. It was less than 500 meters away from the Japanese military station. He ordered the artillerymen to set up mortars.

"The artillery is ready, aim at the Japanese three-bouncer!"

Wang Chengzhu, who had just returned to the team after recovering from a serious illness, led his men to start preparations for the war. This time he not only got a promotion but also a new gun, and it was an 82mm mortar with a mirror.

"Everyone listens to my order and charges immediately after the artillery fires. As soon as the enemy enters the range of the machine gun, fire and aim."

Ding Wei opened the nose of the shell gun in his hand, and the soldiers also checked the weapons in their hands.

However, the Japanese and puppet troops on the opposite side did not notice them at all, and their efficiency was so slow that most of them were still waiting for the order to set off.

"Pillar! Fire!"

Accompanied by a burst of unique 82mm mortar firing, the shell fired by Zhuzhu himself steadily hit the Japanese motorcycle parked in the open space.

The explosions of motorcycles and artillery shells caused heavy casualties to the Japanese and puppet troops.

The 82mm is no longer a light weapon, the 3.8kg shell is very powerful. It's a pity that the mortar's rate of fire is not very fast. Even if Wang Chengzhu uses it, eight rounds per minute is the limit.

The soldiers rushed toward the enemy not far away with the mortars, and the machine gunners quickly began to work. Facing the panicked enemies, they calmly looked for a suitable shooting angle on the spot and locked their sights on the enemy.

At the same time, the soldiers' rifles fired simultaneously. The new group achieved great results at this distance, killing more than twenty Japanese in just the first wave of attacks.

There were no accidents in the battle. After the sacrifice of more than a dozen soldiers, the Japs in the military station were basically wiped out.

The fighting will of these Japanese soldiers is indeed remarkable, but Ding Wei and the others are even better. After seeing their master being killed, the puppet soldiers naturally ran away and surrendered.

"Everyone quickly clean the battlefield and count the seizures!"

"We are quite busy today."

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