Food Circle Plug-in Emperor

Chapter 463 How did he do it

After coming out of the private room, Luo Rang couldn't help asking: "Chu Fu, you said our store has two kinds of sauces that meet his requirements? What kind of flavor?"

Rao was as shrewd as Luo Rang, and was taken aback by Fu Yu's rhetoric for a moment.

The main reason is that what Fu Yu said was too sure.

People subconsciously want to be convinced.

And with such a dazed effort, Fu Yu had already finished communicating with the customer.

That's the end of it?

Luo Jean was a little confused!

He had already made up his mind, he couldn't give a discount, give some small gifts or something, and declined the order politely.

Because he could tell that this customer was not an easy one to deal with.

The set of remarks about food tasting doesn't seem like nonsense, this person has really eaten, and he is also very good at eating.

The more people who know how to eat like this, the more tricky their tongues will be.

It is not an easy thing to satisfy him.

After all, no one in this world is really a roundworm in someone else's stomach, who can clearly know what the other person is thinking.

In terms of personal taste alone, it is simple and simple, and mysterious and mysterious.

Like the customer in front of him, from Luo Rang's point of view, he clearly has a certain standard of food in his heart, as long as it can't fully meet his requirements, it means that the cooking skills are not good and the cooking is not authentic.

This situation is like looking at the flowers in a fog, who knows which sauce can meet his requirements.

And the key problem is that Luo Rang passed through a sieve of more than a dozen sauce flavors in his store one by one, but he didn't think any one was really suitable.

Fu Yu is really not aimless.

The middle-aged male customer's description of his taste gave Fu Yu a flash of inspiration.

In the teaching practice class, he personally practiced and prepared no less than a thousand kinds of sauces, and he was still a little undecided for a while.

However, middle-aged male customers like to eat garlic, and firmly believe that the most authentic way to eat sheep scorpion is only with leek flowers.

This allowed Fu Yu to finalize two sauces almost instantly.

Regardless of the use of taste and seasoning, it should be the closest to the requirements of male customers.

But this is a feast of the four seas, so this matter requires Luo Rang's help.

Master Sun can cook lamb scorpions.

And it doesn't take long to prepare the sauce.

Fu Yu estimated that it should be finished in less than half an hour.

As for the preparation method of the sauce, it doesn't matter whether it is leaked or not.

The main reason is that there are not many opportunities to use these two sauces.

The Four Seas Banquet is still dominated by sheep and scorpions, and the barbecue must still be the old-fashioned way.

The cooking methods in the store will not be changed because of the unique requirements of a certain customer.

Moreover, neither the Maxima nor the music restaurant can use these two sauces.

Fu Yu looked at Luo Rang.

Rojean was waiting for his answer.

Fu Yu said seriously: "I know that there are two kinds of sauces whose tastes should be more in line with his requirements."

Luo Rang's eyes lit up: "Really?"

Fu Yu nodded: "Well, Chef Luo, I need to use your kitchen counter."

Luo Rang quickly said: "No problem!"

In fact, counting carefully, Luo Rang and Fu Yu only met twice including this time, and the time of each meeting was not long.

However, without knowing why, Luo Rang inexplicably felt that Fu Yu was particularly trustworthy.

It's like anything, as long as Fu Yu says it can be done, it will definitely be done.

Fu Yu gave him the feeling that he was very convincing.

Luo Rang hurriedly took Fu Yu to the back kitchen.

He was off duty today, and the kitchen counter was empty, so he directly arranged for Fu Yu to use his own kitchen counter.

Luo Rang has always been considerate in handling affairs, so he ordered the worker to go to the locker room, get a new apron for Fu Yu, and fetch his work clothes for Fu Yu to put on temporarily.

Fu Yu listed all the seasonings he needed.

Luo Rang hurriedly asked people to cooperate to prepare.

In addition, a small worker was specially transferred to Fu Yu to help him.

After everything was ready, Fu Yu started to prepare the sauce.

First smash the garlic with a knife and peel it, then mince it.

When it is about to end, chop the ginger slices and mix with the garlic.

Add coriander, mix the 3 ingredients, add monosodium glutamate and continue chopping when it is about to be chopped.

Then add salt, and continue to chop after the juice of ginger and garlic flows out.

After these materials are thoroughly chopped, the flavors of ginger, garlic and coriander will be mixed together.

Fu Yu put the chopped fine powder into a bowl, added sesame oil, vinegar, soy sauce, mixed them with ginger and garlic thoroughly, turned off the heat and served.

Fu Yu had tried the effect of this sauce in the teaching practice class before.

Different from other sauces with a strong flavor, this one is very refreshing, and the taste can be well blended with the fishy smell of mutton.

It will not affect the taste of the mutton itself, and it can also properly enhance the taste and relieve the greasy effect.

Luo Rang's work clothes were on Fu Yu's body, and he himself was wearing a branded men's parka. He stood in the aisle, trying to avoid the oil stars that might splash, and stretched his neck to watch Fu Yu make the sauce.

As a result, looking at it, it really made him see something famous.

It's not how subtle the preparation method is, nor how rare the seasoning used is.

Instead, he was amazed by Fu Yu's knife skills.

It was not the first time that Luo Rang saw Fu Yu in charge of cooking.

The first time the two met was when they were doing door-to-door service at the Yang family.

At that time, Luo Rang helped Fu Yu at close range and saw his knife skills.

At that time, I felt that Fu Yu's knife skills were solid, but now it seems that he has obviously improved.

It was just simple chopping, but Fu Yu used straight cutting, pulling cutting, pushing cutting, and guillotine cutting respectively.

When cutting the knife, the movement is refreshing and neat, and there is no slight sticking between the ingredients.

Slicing first, and then cutting into strips, no matter between the strips, between the silks, or between the pieces, they are all completely separated, without any broken roots, which seem to be broken and not broken.

What amazed Luo Rang the most was Fu Yu's mastery of the properties of raw materials.

When changing the knife, you can accurately use different knife skills based on the texture of the raw material, the texture of the knife, and the vertical and horizontal lines.

The second is Fu Yu's precise control over the proportion of raw materials used.

In fact, the back kitchen does not pay special attention to the use of raw materials, rational use, and prevention of waste.

After all, I'm really busy, so I don't care about these things.

Moreover, the general ingredients and ingredients are all completed by dedicated small workers.

However, every morning meeting, the financial accountant will deliberately bring up the purchase list of the current month to talk about things.

It is required that the back kitchen must master the principle of making good use of large talents and getting what they deserve when changing the raw materials.

To put it bluntly, don’t waste the ingredients. They are all bought from the store with money. They are not blown by strong winds, so we should cherish them.

Luo Rang was quite willing to cooperate with this, and often used these words to urge and beat the people under his command.

However, his purpose is to let the side dish workers hone their knife skills well, so that the finished products can be beautiful and neat, and the final effect of the plate can be better completed.

Therefore, in Luo Rang's view, rational use of raw materials is a technical essential that cannot be ignored in knife skills.

What Fu Yu did on this point was simply amazing.

As long as he gets all the ingredients and ingredients in his hand, he can accurately reserve the measurement he needs.

After cooking, nothing goes to waste.

Luo Rang watched Fu Yu make the sauce, secretly amazed, but also curious.

How did he do it?

To be able to grasp the amount of ingredients so accurately, how sensitive is this feeling?


Besides, Luo Rang looked at the prepared sauce in the small bowl.

He didn't even need to take a closer look to know that all the ingredients in this bowl were really chopped into fine pieces, to such an extent that the taste would not feel the slightest gritty.

Juicer is the effect, right?

Regarding Fu Yu's knife skills, Luo Rang was simply amazed and convinced.

Before he knew it, Luo Rang was one step closer to the kitchen counter.

Before, he clearly cared about not letting the oil splash on his expensive coat, but now he completely forgot about it.

He watched Fu Yu making the sauce intently.

For the first time, I discovered that watching other people cook is a very enjoyable thing.

It is like a visual feast unfolding in front of your eyes, which makes people dizzy and excited.

Fu Yu was completely unaware of this, and he concentrated on making the second sauce.

Put two pieces of Kedong fermented bean curd into the sesame paste, then add the leek flowers secretly prepared by Sihaiyan, and add appropriate amount of sugar, salt and monosodium glutamate.

When stirring, Fu Yu skillfully moved clockwise, very fast.

Heat oil in a frying pan, add peppercorns and fry till fragrant, let cool.

The middle-aged male customer once made it clear that he likes to eat fried peppercorns, so Fu Yu kept all the peppercorns.

When Fu Yu was stirring, Luo Rang saw that his movements were obviously very large, but the oil in the bowl did not spill out at all.

It can be seen how precise his hand feels when operating.

The chef who was also busy melting the sesame sauce next to him was doing the same thing, but he was watching the sesame sauce splashing everywhere like Nezha making trouble in the sea.

Luo Rang shook his head unbearably.

The gap between people is really, alas

Fu Yu quickly prepared the sauce, put it in a bowl, and sprinkled it with sesame seeds.

Both sauces were successfully completed.

Luo Rang couldn't help feeling relieved, and hurriedly took Fu Yu to the roasting area to see how Master Sun's freshly roasted lamb scorpion was getting ready.

The business in the store is really booming today, and there is a thick stack of order lists on the kitchen wall next to Master Sun.

The three ovens in the baking area were fired at the same time, and Master Sun was sweating hotly with two small workers.

"Chef Sun, is the fresh roasted lamb scorpion ready? The sauce has been prepared here."

Luo Rang put the prepared sauce on the serving table beside him, full of confidence.

In his opinion, the difficulty of freshly roasted lamb scorpion is the sauce. As for roasting, that is not a problem at all.

Master Sun took out a paper towel and wiped the sweat from his forehead: "It hasn't been put on the shelf yet, after this oven is finished, we'll roast it."

Luo Rang nodded, there is no rush for this matter.

Master Sun was talking to Luo Rang, when he raised his eyes and saw the young chef standing beside Luo Rang, he was taken aback for a moment.

I was too anxious just now, so I didn't take a closer look. This person is not their back kitchen, right?

Master Sun asked, "Who is this?"

Luo Rang introduced with a smile: "Chef Sun, this is the chef of Maxima, Fu Yu."

Master Sun: "!"

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