The train roared forward in the wind and snow. The students who had just finished their winter vacation had now returned to Hogwarts. The school, which had been dormant for a month, began to become lively again.

In the Ravenclaw common room, the eaglets are hurriedly finishing their homework, which will be handed in in a few days.

Every time at this time, a similar situation occurs. A group of crazy people who have fun during the winter vacation are working hard on their homework.

"Oh no, I feel like my hand is almost broken, and I still have a thesis on Transfiguration that I haven’t written yet."Eddie let out a scream and lay down on the table, looking very tired. However, he quickly shut up in the glare of a group of people.

Eddie is always not the only one who needs to catch up on homework, even if he is There are a bunch of people in Ravenclaw who do this too

"Paz, help me, help me quickly?"Eddie asked for help from Paz who was passing by the lounge.

"I think you're doing this entirely on yourself. Marietta twisted her arm and said,"You should spend more time on this during the winter vacation instead of rushing to work here.""

"The same goes for you yourself. Eddie retorted

"at least i'm done"

"Wish yourself luck."Paz patted Eddie on the shoulder and left the Ravenclaw lounge. He was about to go to Hagrid's hut, and the warden of the hunting ground actually wrote to him through an owl.

After passing by the hall, At that time, Professor McGonagall was getting angry at the twins, because the two naughty guys cast a spell on the snowballs, causing them to hit Quirrell on the back of the head.

After Professor McGonagall left, the twins said:"We are just curious. What is there under Professor Quirrell's purple turban?

George blinked at Paz and said,"You should have noticed that unpleasant smell.""

"So, you just want to take off the headscarf?"Paz's expression was strange. He naturally knew what was inside, Voldemort's face. If the students saw this scene, I wonder how they would react?

"We think he used magic on that turban." said Fred," magic won't work on it"

"Maybe we should use our hands……"

"Of course, you will definitely be imprisoned! Paz took out his pocket watch and looked at the time and said,"Hagrid is still waiting for me. I have to go!""

"He always prevents us from entering the Forbidden Forest. Fred muttered, as if he was not ready to give up on digging up the secret of Quirrell's turban.

"Maybe we should plan carefully." George said

"You're right, but I don't want anything bad to happen. Professor McGonagall will definitely put us in confinement. It's not a good thing to be in confinement just after the winter vacation."

Paz ignored the two of them and walked along the path towards Hagrid's hut.

"You came!"Hagrid was as alert as a thief, and then he invited Paz into his hut, made him tea, and brought him a ferret sandwich.

Fang was dancing happily on the side.

"What do you want from me?"Paz didn't use Hagrid's stuff. It's completely unpalatable."

"this……"Hagrid took out a box containing some sawdust. There was an egg lying in the sawdust.

"A dragon egg? Paz raised his eyebrows and asked,"You want to raise a dragon?""

"Keep your voice down. Hagrid made a hissing gesture and said,"Help me come up with some ideas.""

"I have never raised a dragon."Paz said simply

"But you are the smartest student in Ravenclaw, so you must have something."Hagrid looked at Paz expectantly.

"I suggest you go find some books and find out how to hatch it. Also, your house is definitely not suitable. Where are you going to raise it? Paz reminded:"I remember that raising a dragon is against the law. There will definitely be a bunch of people coming back to trouble you afterwards. The final result will be that the dragon is killed or sent away." Honestly, Dumbledore wouldn't tolerate something like this in school"

"Help!"Hagrid looked horrified.

"I can help you make a box and let you close it. As for what you want to do, I don’t care!"Paz suggested

"Close it?"Hagrid repeated in disbelief.

"You chose Hagrid yourself, do you think you can still keep it free? in the forest? Don't be kidding, you know the consequences of that, trust me, it will definitely be killed eventually, so wearing a chain and locking it in a box is the best option. Paz stood up and said,"Tell me after you make your decision.""

When Paz just opened the door, he saw Potter and Weasley outside, seeming to be ready to knock on the door.

They looked at Paz and shouted:"Hagrid, we are here to find you."

"Oh, Harry, come in! Hagrid came out and said to Paz:"I will write to you soon and tell you the answer. Thank you very much no matter what.""

"What answer Hagrid?"Harry asked, looking at Paz's leaving back in confusion.


"Your relationship seems to be very good!"Weasley said sourly,"I always thought he was a weirdo."

"Lannister's character is indeed a bit weird, but he is not a bad person, and they have a good relationship with your brother."Hagrid didn't pay attention to Ron's words.

"Is there such a thing?"Ron obviously didn't believe it.

"By the way, Hagrid, what were you doing just now?"Harry brought the topic back and asked

"It's nothing, I just asked Paz to come over and give me some advice, and he always gives good suggestions. Hagrid said awkwardly

"You can find us. said Harry

"We will help you with ideas"

"I don't want to cause any trouble for you Harry."Hagrid shook his head and said, obviously he didn't intend to tell Harry about the dragon egg, and he hadn't made a decision yet.

"By the way, Hagrid, are you sure there is Nicolas Flamel? I searched many books but could not find any records related to him."Harry saw that Hagrid didn't want to say more, so there was no point in continuing to ask.

"What are you doing with Nicoléme?"

"I've been looking for him since you mentioned this name last time"

"Don't interfere in Dumbledore's affairs Harry."Hagrid warned seriously.

"We have no ill will towards Hagrid. Harry said awkwardly,"We just want to find out……"

"No, Harry, this is the most malicious thing you can do."Hagrid was a little angry. He was angry with himself. He should not have discussed this matter with Harry in advance:"Believe me, don't interfere in this matter. It will not be good for you."

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