Chapter 618 41

While running aimlessly, Magda's heart slowly sank. Google search reading

If her memory hadn't been confused, she would have wandered around the manor no less than twenty times. No matter which direction she goes, she will definitely see a set of chalk seals again within thirty to fifty meters, and then she will pass through the dense forest where strange trees grow, and return to the gate of the manor.

The pale chalk was very conspicuous under the moonlight, and Magda knew that it was this group of frequently appearing spells that trapped her firmly within the formation.

She knew in her heart that this was a psychological suggestion, so she also tried closing her eyes and groping forward.

However, the chosen ones under the "Raven Path" of the Hall of Valor are good at flying and divination, and releasing spiritual power has never been their strong point. She closed her eyes tightly and ran like a blind fly. She either bumped head-on into a big tree, or subconsciously turned in circles while stumbling.

When people are extremely irritable, they will gradually lose their original calm judgment.

Magda knew that she had been trapped in this strange formation for at least an hour. During this long period of time, she had been alone. There was no trace of the three companions who had entered the manor before her, and the entire manor was extremely empty.


"I have to calm down."

There is no doubt that they fell into some kind of premeditated trap.

There were more than one million people living in Constantinople, nearly half of whom were itinerant merchants or workers from all over the Western Continent who entered the city looking for work.

In a mixed situation, a few amazing experts are hidden, which is what often happens.

Magda was still unable to tell whether this was done intentionally by "Li Xueyi" or whether she accidentally broke into the formation of a certain Eastern Continent expert.

Or is this servant "Mo Kui" secretly a more dangerous person than Concubine Xue?

Why were the Illuminati’s secret conversations not noticed? !

Sweating all over her body from running, Magda decided to find another way to escape.

She climbed up the largest tree in the manor using her hands and feet.

Facing the moonlight, she could see the hazy outline of a building in the distance. After getting off the tree, she ran wildly in the direction of the building, and then the cycle continued endlessly.

woods, gate, woods, gate

She didn't even get close to the manor buildings.

What's even more terrible is that this magic circle seems to have some ability to absorb spiritual energy. After many attempts to transform into a raven failed, she was surprised to find that the spiritual energy originally stored in her body was dissipating rapidly.

This array was actually extracting the spiritual energy from her body to maintain the operation of the array.

"What kind of formation is this and why is it so powerful!"

"Zordon Kul!"

"Cold cheek Bandar!"

"Donald Luma!"

In her anxiety, Magda began to shout the names of her companions loudly without hiding herself.

Lengzhi Bandar is a Drowned People Pathfinder in the "Cult of Dagon". One of the daily tasks of the Illuminati masters is to find the old gods lurking on the planet and recruit them as subordinates to enhance their combat power.

The Dagon Cult, a sect whose purpose is to harm mortals, is not popular in the eyes of the 12 sect leaders. The main reason is that they are like rats crossing the street. Once they appear, everyone wants to get rid of them.

Cold-Gil Bandar was able to successfully enter the Illuminati and get into the eyes of "Lord of Disaster" Bertug. There is no doubt that this person is extremely good at certain things.

Before setting off, Bertug once mentioned that this was a powerful demigod who could summon a reliable army at any time.

Magda called his name loudly, but got no response at all.

This was not beyond her expectation.

She can only place her hope on her most reliable companion in the Illuminati, Donald Luma, the chief thug of the "Night Angel Church".


Eastlanders often say that where there is shadow, there must be sunlight, because darkness can only be created by light.

The Church of Night Angel is a cult organization created by the "Holy Bishop Church".

However, this church has existed longer than the Holy Bishop

The Church of Night Angel believes in a fallen angel whose body is red and rotten with blood and has six pairs of flesh wings - "Night Angel" Chrismer

It is said that Bassogo is a battle angel created by the "Holy Lord" Jehovah himself. The ancient gods fought against the alien gods during the war and were defeated by the alien gods.

After death, ordinary angels just turn into dirt and die like mortals, but this angel was picked up by the people of the "Fallen Creator" and transformed into a powerful war weapon using forbidden necromancy.

Thousands of years later, as time passes.

The wars that occurred in ancient times have long since disappeared. The Outer Gods and Ancient Gods who wielded swords and fought bloody battles left one after another to find more suitable places to live.

In the smoke and ashes, only the puppet-like Night Angel managed to survive.

After mortals discovered the mutilated god, they built temples for it, worshiped it and enshrined it.

They called it "Hate" Chrismer.

Battle angels born for war give mortals the way to fight and the method to transform their bodies.

Unlike the high-level chosen ones in the Holy Bishop Church, they can condense spiritual energy into wings. The Chosen Ones in the "Night Angel Church" will use a method similar to surgery, using taboo magic to artificially add a pair of flesh wings with bone and flesh fascia to the mortal body.

Of course, this evil technique of transforming living people into monsters that are neither human nor ghosts will be approved by the Holy Episcopal Church.

But on the other hand, we have to admit that this group of cult believers who can fly high into the sky at any time are extremely outstanding in combat capabilities. Even though they have been chased and intercepted by the Crusaders for hundreds of years, they still have the secrets of the Chosen One of the Night Angel Church. activities on various continents.

"I need to use psychic energy to transform into a raven, but Donald can fly high into the sky directly with the help of flesh wings."

"If there is one person who can escape from this damn formation, he is the only one."

"Just damn Donald, where are you now"

Magda wiped the sweat from her forehead and looked up at the fluffy full moon in the sky.


Could it be

He caught a flashing thought in his mind and ran around like a headless fly for a long time. Magda finally noticed a flaw in the formation.

However, at this moment, a cold ghostly wind suddenly blew from her side. Amidst the bursts of deep dry laughter, two black smoke condensed into two dark and thin figures.

Surging power surged out from these two disembodied spirits, and Magda's eyes immediately shrank to the size of needle eyes.


What is this? !

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