Chapter 167 Precognitive Ability

Bai Yixi was frightened when she thought about her identity as the only remaining heir of the Potian family and that there were many enemies who wanted to kill her. She didn't want to take over this mess.

However, she still has to avenge the genocide.

And this ability to predict is a bit unbelievable, because she glanced at Ye Fei and knew that he wanted to destroy the tomb in the next second, because the owner was gone, he wanted to destroy the tomb, and then go to become a monk, In Bai Yixi's mind, Ye Fei dressed in the clothes of a Buddhist disciple, quietly knocking on the wooden fish, with the sound of ancient temple bells accompanied by green lanterns.

Bai Yixi asked tentatively: "What are you going to do with this tomb?"

"He's gone, what's the point of staying here? Get out quickly, I'm going to activate the self-destruct system later." Ye Fei looked at the empty ice coffin, turned around and walked out slowly.

Bai Yixi followed. She was a little curious. Since she could predict what the other party wanted to do, could she be able to stop it?

"I can help you upgrade the system and turn this cemetery into a place to train the army." Bai Yixi knew from the memory in her mind that this ghost city was in the most remote place and was also the richest place in Hai Jing. The nearby ghost town There are often pirates in the sea harassing nearby fishermen, and the army here naturally needs to be trained. "There are also many potential dangers around this ghost town!"

"What does this have to do with me?" Ye Fei didn't look at Bai Yixi and walked forward indifferently, with a gloating smile, "Let my real uncle do this!"

"Why?" Bai Yixi frowned. Could it be that she really couldn't change? Then prophecy is of some use.

"Baitao said she wanted you to stay here." Bai Yixi opened her mouth to tell lies, "This ring contains her words to me. She mentioned you and said she wanted you to continue doing what you like. Don't you like the sea? ? Don’t you want to protect the ghost realm?”

Bai Yixi figured it out on her own based on the memories of Baitao and Ye Fei. Although it was not stated clearly in the memory, Bai Yixi could tell that the little boy really wanted to protect his family and country.

Ye Fei's footsteps paused, his eyes uncertain, and Bai Yixi also stopped, not knowing what the other person was thinking.

“I can’t even guarantee my position as the city lord of this ghost town now, so what’s the point of protecting me?” Ye Fei tilted his head and glanced at Bai Yixi and continued walking forward.

"Ye Shihan is the one in power, I can help you convince him." Bai Yixi said, "As the sole heir of the Potian family, my status as the sole heir of the Potian family is enough to convince Ye Shihan, as long as you believe in me."

Ye Fei paused for a moment, and then his eyelashes smacked slightly: "It's up to you."

When Bai Yixi heard these two words, she immediately laughed and said, "Then you agree!"

Ye Fei replied lightly: "The control room of this tomb is in Butler Luo's room. You can go find him and I will tell him."

"Okay." Bai Yixi said with a smile. She was happy that she could predict and change at the same time. That would be great. Bai Yixi looked at the movie-like memory again and found that there was no limit to this ability to predict. She thought She could change anyone's destiny, but at that moment Bai Yixi felt like she was about to go against the grain.

She couldn't help but sigh, no wonder she was exterminated. Who wouldn't be afraid of such a terrifying ability to foresee, of course she would be exterminated.

"By the way, what's your name? Why did you come in here?" Ye Fei was confused.

"My name is Bai Yixi. I met the sedan chair where you were marrying a concubine on the road. Then one of your brides ran away, so I was captured by your housekeeper and replaced." Bai Yixi leisurely recounted this heart-wrenching experience. , "Later, your other bride wanted to escape with me, but she probably just wanted to come in with me and steal this spiritual jade."

 (End of this chapter)

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