Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 51 The first spark of order

Order, only order is a goal worthy of a race and civilization spending countless time and life to pursue, and only order is the soil and prerequisite for the birth of all good things.

In the universe that Calvin currently lives in, the lack and dispersion of the authority of order that opposes chaos is the biggest reason why the chaos represented by these evil gods and demons in front of him grows and twists without restraint. .

Thinking of this, Calvin no longer hesitated. From his own spiritual perspective, he gently pointed his finger towards the flash of light that represented his initial path.

And the seed that fed back from the origin of the universe in the void also sensed Calvin's will and no longer wandered outside Calvin's soul. Attracted by Calvin's soul, he sank all the way to the depths of the sphere.

Different from when he first came, Calvin's soul, which has experienced various adventures in this world, has grown and progressed greatly.

Now, the sphere that represents the soul in the spiritual world is no longer as devastated as when he first saw it.

The originally black appearance of the sphere became darker, and red firelight from deeper parts could occasionally be seen on the cracks of the sphere.

When Calvin's soul was sublimated, the gathering of Calvins from countless timelines had left the completion of the sphere unchanged, symbolizing the density of the soul's quality in the superposition of countless Calvins. Later, it received an unprecedented improvement.

As far as the current situation of the entire sphere is concerned, whether it is the external appearance or the internal conditions, it is like a star that is at a critical point and is about to burn but has not yet burned.

The red light emitting from the mantle-like position in the crack further illustrates that Calvin's soul accumulation has been enough, and there is only a slight difference between the situation and the change again.

When the seed finally reached the core of the sphere, its original golden light also sensed Calvin's choice and began to change from the inside out.

The gold that symbolizes personality begins to fade away, and the silver that symbolizes the essence of order begins to shine brightly. After the whole seed reached Calvin's soul core, it turned into a silver flame and spread out in all directions.

At this moment, the entire sphere began to be ignited from the inside out, and the spiritual energy originally filled in Calvin's soul that belonged to his mortal age began to be violently compressed, burned, and transformed. In this reaction, new, silvery spiritual energy that truly belonged to the divine Calvin was gradually generated, occupying the space that originally belonged to his mortal spiritual energy.

When the matter and energy inside the sphere were completely transformed, the amount of light that became scarcer but brighter finally began to penetrate the surface of the sphere and shine outward.

The surface of the sphere is smudged and assimilated by these flames coming from deep within the core.

After a few breaths passed, the lightning from the cracks on the sphere first turned silver. They jumped up and down like prominences on the surface of the star, jumping from one silver-dyed facet to another, and then spread rapidly in the latter.

The prismatic surface, which was originally made of black glass, began to glow slightly in this internal and external conflict environment, and the runes engraved on the glass emitted a dazzling silver light.

When all the facets were "dyed", the reaction of the entire sphere also reached a peak.

As if it had finally entered a stable radiation cycle, it began to converge inwards.

The energy of the entire sphere was concentrated inward, starting a stable cycle, and the characteristic reflected on the outside was that the light of the silver sun hanging high in Calvin's spiritual world became no longer dazzling, but brighter and softer.

At the same time, the originally deep black sea of ​​souls below the sphere also underwent tremendous changes under the illumination of this silver sphere.

The black water, which symbolizes ignorance and chaos, begins to recede from the center, and the land, which symbolizes wisdom and reason, rises from the depths of the sea.

This land symbolizes and corresponds to the real number of Calvin's souls. It is also the same as his real number in countless timelines, and its area is exactly 129,000 kilometers.

This process, which represented the mastery of the initial power of Calvin's divine soul, finally came to an end.

"Assimilation", this is Calvin's latest psychic trait.

Calvin quietly looked at the spiritual energy he had deliberately gathered in his hands. The number of silver lightnings had not yet returned to its peak state, but he could easily perceive the completely different characteristics from before.

As a higher concept that contrasts with chaos, order naturally has powers similar to the pollution of chaos, and "assimilation" is Calvin's temporary definition of this phenomenon.

But unlike the pollution of chaos, the essence of the former is downward degradation, while the essence of assimilation is upward ascension. The difference in difficulty between the two is naturally obvious at a glance.

All that is required for degeneration is that you no longer persist and indulge in your own desires; and to be assimilated into order requires the person being contacted to yearn for and persist in the light.

Once the will of the assimilated person is not strong enough, all that awaits them is to turn into a silver firework, allowing themselves to completely disappear from body to soul in the struggle between order and chaos.

Even those who are determined to assimilate may not be able to succeed. The degree of pollution in the body is also an important indicator of reversing pollution.

But what is slightly better than the former is that if the deformation and corruption of the assimilated person's body are irreversible, but his soul is still firm and pure enough, then at least such assimilation will completely liberate his soul, thus getting rid of the tragic fate of his soul still falling into the hands of the evil god and being ravaged after death.

Destruction is always easier than construction, and degeneration is always simpler than sublimation. This is a cruel fact. It also tells Calvin that he is not the savior, and not all people can be saved.

But no matter what, Calvin finally has a choice for the pollution that seemed unsolvable. And if such power can be spread, it will be a blessing for the creatures of this universe.

Calvin also thought so, but after all, he was alone and weak. Even if he had all his hands, he was powerless to the corruption and pollution of tens of thousands of people in the chaotic battlefield, and even hundreds of millions of people in an entire galaxy.

Trying to see if his comrades-in-arms can also have such ability may be the only way he can think of at the moment.

So the next morning, Calvin returned to the Silver Blade's base and found the members of the Honor Guard who had no rivals because the entire base was completely depleted.

The Paladins were too familiar with each other. They had been fighting side by side for centuries, so they knew each other's moves by heart.

And too many post-war meeting summaries also made them treat the details of the battle in a similar way.

The only thing that could slightly distinguish them from each other was probably the strength caused by their different heights and body shapes.

To use a classic line from a movie: "They were all taught by the same master, and their moves can't be broken!"

Because of this, they seemed to have little interest in the individual confrontation exercises within the Guard.

To borrow the words of an unknown guard captain, Knight Gavins, "I would rather dismantle the parts of an automatic combat slave all day than fight with another me. What's the difference between that and spiritual sex?" So before the morning training and prayer began, Gavins saw Calvin hurried over and pulled him aside with a mysterious look on his face and said to him: "Come, I'll get you something good."

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