Warhammer: In the Name of Ashes

Chapter 75 Cancer and Sores

As they started to march again, Calvin's mood was a little complicated.

He looked at the cursor on the last file left on the screen on the armband, thought about it, and finally clicked on it...

File 7-2: 697.M39

I spent three months playing a game called hide-and-seek with these little yellow cans.

The content of the game is how to use the can in my hand, which is larger than other cans, to attract them to come to die in waves.

So damn funny! Do you also have a comradeship? Are you worthy?

You don’t regard yourselves as human beings, so why do you still need human feelings?

If they really have feelings, how can you attack these people who have lived frugally all their lives and have never even left the nest?

It is the taxes they contribute that support you! It is their existence that gives you the meaning of existence!

The feelings of your so-called comrades-in-arms are worthless in my eyes after you raised the butcher knife against these civilians!

I was extremely patient with the waves of Astartes who came to try and take away their commander, and I even took pleasure in keeping watch over his body day and night.

From a squad's steal attempt, to a platoon's firepower assault. I bear them all and give them a generous death.

In my opinion, the tactics and fighting will of the Astartes do deserve the title of the Empire's elite, but unfortunately, I am no longer the same person...

I no longer fear them, I no longer believe in them.

The person standing in front of them now was just a vengeful man who had sacrificed everything for power, a miserable existence who had even given his soul to the evil god in exchange for power.

I know my state. Although my mind has been gradually corrupted by the divine power from Nurgle, thanks to his charity, he did not greedily take away my soul at the first time.

Although my own sober time is getting less and less, I am still grateful for my loving father's generous promise to me. At least, I will never completely lose myself again after completing my revenge.

Thank you, the merciful Lord of life! Thank you generous Lord of Corruption!

In the end, I couldn't wait for all these cans.

98 cans was the number they had when they descended from the sky, and 86 cans was the number I smashed.

I waited for a long time on the top floor of the hive, but I didn't wait for the last 12.

Have you given up? This doesn't seem like their style... I feel like I've vaguely forgotten something important!

But I'm so sleepy, I might need a short nap...

I remembered! That seed! Oh My God!

How could I keep letting it grow! I should have destroyed it right away!

If I could do it over again...well, I'd probably still choose to smash those cans first!

But this issue cannot be ignored!

I shook my head, which I had just woken up from, "Gan!" This is where?

As the time I spent awake became shorter and shorter, the place I woke up every time became farther and farther away from my residence.

But as long as I can still wake up, I will definitely go back to that hall and pick up the can that has been dead for a long time and smash it again!

I finally walked back to the chapel from the corner of the cloister and walked all the way back, where the seed was.

I was stopped at the door, a force of the same origin impeding my progress.

I can see the existence of that seedling, but it is no longer a seedling.

An inconspicuous but beautiful shrub grows vigorously on the pool.

But I won't be fooled by its appearance.

In the spiritual vision given to me by my loving father, I can see the huge, endless tentacles hidden under the soil and masonry.

I can also see how ugly its true form is in the projection of the warp!

Although I and it are of the same origin, I immediately understood the essential difference between us.

If I represent fatherly generosity, then it corresponds to endless greed.

I am the source of decay and disease, and the basis for rebirth after life withers. I symbolize rebirth after death.

And it corresponds to the disordered and wanton growth of death. What he symbolizes is that after unprecedented growth, the land will eventually wither.

We are born on different sides of the endless power of the loving Father. We have the same origin but have different interpretations of life.

We can feed each other, but we are destined to fight each other!

That's why I can't go any further, get closer to it and destroy it.

Our loving Father has already set the rules of the game for us from the beginning.

I got all of the upper nest, and he got all of the lower nest.

I am an animal and it is a plant.

I can attack, but it can only defend.

My attack is actually defense. I want to guard its tentacles and prevent it from passing on this fateful road behind me, thereby preventing it from retrieving the fruits it has produced and achieving perfection;

Its defense is actually offense. If it doesn't kill me, it will never be able to become a demon.

And whether we win or lose will determine the ultimate fate of this planet.

I win, it dies, and obtains the power it contains. The power I represent will remain in this world forever, proving my path in the continuous birth, death and reincarnation of life.

If it wins, I die. After eating up the life of the entire hive, it will try to spread deeper into the center of the earth until it hollows out the entire planet, and finally dies of energy exhaustion.

At the moment I saw it, I suddenly understood the true names and meanings of it and me.

I am a perpetual sore, which means reincarnation and rebirth;

It is a perpetual cancer, which means the dead silence left after greedy demands.

The great father has no preference between our two children.

This is good, because no matter who wins the war in the end, the righteousness of the father will walk on the earth.

This is good, in this confrontation and reincarnation between life and death, I will exercise His righteousness and try my best to please Him.

This is His return for my gift.

This is good.

I turned around and left this passage.

Its growth has not yet reached its end, and I no longer have to guess the fate of the civilians who went down the nest, nor do I have to think about the final destination of the remaining 12 cans.

From the fruits full of souls that have begun to grow on this shrub, I already know their fate.

At the top of this bush, on the bright red mulberry-like fruit, every tiny particle has countless souls wailing in pain.

I saw it was alert to my early approach, and on its shaking branches, the souls in the fruit were shouting their last cry before being assimilated:

"Be one with me! Bear the sins of others! Be one with me! Welcome the arrival of this end!"

I turned and walked away. This kind of nonsense and the accompanying spiritual pollution were of no use to me except that I seemed a little irritated.

If it weren't for the rules of the loving father, I think it wouldn't take me longer than a breath to destroy it.

I have to wait a little longer, until its growth is nearing the end, and then there will be a war between us.

And now, there is still a little time to prepare for the war between me and it.

What should I do? Well, let's start by smashing the can again.

Asking for votes! Double update! Justified! Arms on hips! Proud!

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