The battle with the Winged Zombies at high altitudes ended quickly. Nearly two thousand Night Shadow fighters began to return one after another. The sonic booms erupted by a large number of returning fighters dispersed the already thinning clouds.

The commander looked up at the countless small black dots that were disappearing, silently saluted, and then looked back at the bottom of the city wall.

Although a large number of zombies were annihilated by the air force bombing of unknown forces, there were still many high-level evolved zombies among the remaining zombies, and the zombie swarm could still pose a threat to them.

"Order the combat troops in the base to leave one third of the soldiers behind, and the rest to quickly gather on the city wall!"

The communicator immediately began to connect the signal and issue instructions, and tens of thousands of soldiers in the entire security base quickly gathered here.

The machine guns and cannons on the city wall were still attacking continuously. The steel towers composed of a large number of bullets and artillery shells were bombarded wildly. Countless zombies had their bodies smashed into pieces or were enveloped in flames.

But it seems that a large number of zombies have been killed, but in fact the zombies killed are not even a drop in the bucket.

The maximum number of tens of thousands of zombies killed every four or five minutes is just ordinary zombies killed, which is only insignificant even for the remaining six to seven million zombies.

It's not that this base doesn't want to use large-scale firepower to clean up, but it's because there are still 50 to 60 million zombies in this zombie wave.

They had carried out a full-scale attack for eight or nine days, and finally killed a total of 30 to 40 million zombies. However, most of the ammunition reserves and armaments had been exhausted.

Only weapons such as machine guns, machine guns, rifles, and flat-fire cannons can be used for long-term attacks, and other heavy firepower will only be used when necessary.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have faced more than 10 million zombies. As a large base, they almost couldn't defend it and were forced to ask for help from the Demon City Base.

You know, from the beginning they were faced with the impact of a huge zombie wave composed of fifty to sixty million zombies!

The commander looked at the tide of corpses whose attack intensity had been reduced by several degrees, and turned around to give the order.

"Soldiers are stationed at the city wall defense line. Most of the remaining zombies are ordinary zombies and evolved zombies. There is no need to use heavy firepower."


At this time, fifteen huge land battle cruisers, as big as a hill, approached the base that had withstood dozens of days of war unhurriedly!

When the foundation went to war for quantum computers, the arbitrator also encountered some difficulties...

This is a valley, and inside the valley is a plain of about four square kilometers. The plain is covered with neatly grown rice, and the golden rice is moving in the wind.

In the middle of the rice field, a three-story wooden house with simple and plain paint is located, and there is a windmill turning slowly next to it...

There is no apocalyptic scene at all.

But it's very strange...

Dark clouds exuding a depressing atmosphere shrouded the sky over the valley, and the entire valley was enveloped in a strange and depressing atmosphere.

All scenes look hazy and dim...

And somewhere in the rice field, there is a scarecrow more than three meters high.

This scarecrow's body is withered and twisted, the cotton cloth is extremely hollow and twisted, and the weird smile on the cloth makes the surroundings feel extremely frightening.

Parked on the tattered straw body were several black crows that had never evolved before the end of the world. Their red bird eyes stared at the Arbiter.

Ga! Ga!

A few hoarse crow calls suddenly came from the quiet and dark rice fields, and dozens of crows suddenly flew from everywhere.

There is a distorted sense of twilight in the dim scenery, similar to the sunset...

The chief arbiter looked back and found that the road he came from had disappeared at some point, leaving only the boundless vast rice fields.

The eternal and fixed sense of dim sunset fills the entire space.

A large number of creepy and weird scarecrows are scattered all over the rice fields. The weird cloth faces have different expressions of joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but they all give people a twisted and terrifying sense.

Looking up at the huge dark red clouds above the wooden house, the Arbitrator felt calm in his heart. He already understood what had happened.

Is it a weird thing...

"What is the source..."

His eyes swept over the strange scarecrows scattered throughout the boundless rice fields, and after staring at the bloody dark clouds under the dusk for a moment, the chief arbiter finally looked at the wooden house.

It seemed that only the wooden house was a bit unusual.

The chief arbitrator no longer hesitated and walked directly towards the wooden house...


People with strong strength will never feel intimidated by the environment and atmosphere. How can people with insufficient mentality become strong?

As for him... is there fear in mechanical life?

Walking through the seemingly ordinary rice fields, the chief arbitrator was keenly aware of a large number of vague eyes staring at him.

The electronic eyes indifferently scanned the large number of scarecrows with strange faces facing him, and after thinking for a moment, he did not intend to take action directly.

The chief arbiter who quickly walked to the wooden house kicked open the door of the wooden house and was slightly startled when he saw what was inside.

It was an extremely warm and elegant medieval-style room. It didn't have the weird and twisted feeling that was everywhere in the outside world, but only had ordinary warmth.

In front of the burning fireplace, a kind-faced old man sat on a lounge chair, holding a book that he had read countless times in his hand.

Sensing the noise, he raised his head and glanced at the chief arbiter. The old man was slightly surprised: "A strange knight! Oh, how did you get in? Aren't there those scarecrows guarding the outside world?"

The chief arbiter also looked at the old man who showed no hostility in front of him with some doubts.

"Hello sir, where is this place? Why does the scenery around me change as soon as I enter the valley?"

When the old man heard this, he shook his head helplessly and said: "Poor brave man, let me tell you, no one has spoken to me for a long time.

I was originally an ordinary farmer in the Ottoman Empire. My favorite thing was to make scarecrows. They would laugh and some would be angry...

Because my scarecrows were very real, they became famous at that time, and I was one of the few rich farmers in the village.

But one day, I picked up a strange statue. The moment I picked it up, it turned into a mist and merged into my body.

Then I seemed to take a nap...

After waking up, my scarecrows were resurrected one after another and turned into vicious demons. They killed all the life in the village, and then returned to normal again.

oh! It can’t be said to be normal…

But if I tried to leave the cabin, they would drive me back, and from that day on I seemed to have stopped growing old, and even my rice stopped growing.

To this day, I no longer know how much time has passed outside..."

The old man sighed and said helplessly, his tone full of hope.

The chief arbitrator's core surged, and he continued to ask after not feeling any deception: "Then have you felt any special changes in yourself?"

"Special changes! Does this count?"

The old man was confused, then raised his finger in sudden realization, and then saw a pot of flowers next to him blooming rapidly and then withering again...

time! ?

No,'s life!

He has the power to control life!

The chief arbiter suddenly raised his head and looked at the old man with a calm expression.

Looking at the expression of the strange knight in front of him, the old man smiled and said: "Over a long period of time, I have read all the hundreds of world-famous classics that I bought just to show off, hundreds of times.

The classics of the Dragon Kingdom...the classics of the Ottomans...I have seen through everything a long time ago, and I have long since lost all ambition! "

The old man smiled lightly, and then looked through the window at the strangely twisted rice fields.

"But I still don't understand why these scarecrows have the ability to move if they have no life..."

After hearing the old man talking to himself, the chief arbiter finally understood why the old man could not kill him even though he had such terrifying strength. It seemed that these scarecrows were restraining the old man...

No, he also restrained the old man...

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